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Jakub Zázvorka

I am in the second year of my Ph.D. studies in the field of Quantum Optics and Optoelectronics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University in Prague. I am also one of the founding members of the SPIE Student Chapter at Chatles Univ. For the school year 2012/2013 I have been elected as the Chapter President. This year I am the main photographer and web admin of our Chapter.

Proffesional Occupation

Characterization of semiconductor materials
Room-temperature x-ray and gamma ray detectors

Semicoductors are very important in the modern world, because they are all around us. The majority of electronical devices (from diodes and transistors to complicated computer chips or laser pointers) is made from some semiconductor. Such materials and semiconductor alloys and most of all cadmium telluride (CdTe) are studied in the laboratories of the department of semiconductors and semiconductor optoelectronics at the Institute of Physics of Charles University. CdTe has many applications e.g. in medical science and industry. It can also be used as a material for a fotovoltaic cell. Thanks to its unique properties it doesn’t have to be cooled with liquid nitrogen when used as a radiation detector at room-temperature, unlike silicon or germanium. At the same time it is more accurate than scintillation detectors.

I personally pursue the characterization of CdTe using the contactless measurement of resistivity and photoconductivity. The advantage of this method is that the contacts preparation which could influence the material is not required for the measurement. The method is nowadays researched exclusively at the Institute of Physics. My further scientific aim is the study of the electrical field inside the detector using Pockels effect and the investigation of CdTe with photoluminescence. I am in close co-operation with the University in Freiburg (Germany) and my present research results were presented at conferences in Spain, France and USA.

Hobbies and free time

Basketball and table tennis, recreationally
Music (rock) and electric guitar
Italian and Mexican cuisine
Books – fantasy and sci-fi
RPG computer games
Road trips
Yellow Trabant 

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